In the Wild - Multi-Day Canoe Tour

Embark on an exciting adventure - several days alone in the wilderness! Camping with a tent is already cool, but with a canoe, it becomes something truly extraordinary. Discover here how we had this unforgettable experience, enriched with valuable tips and tricks for your own adventure. Let yourself be inspired and find out where and, most importantly, how you can experience this captivating journey.

Georg, Jo, Momo and Nelly at the Sea with a beautiful Sunset.

Multi-Day Hiking or Canoeing: The Differences and Advantages

When it comes to multi-day excursions in nature, two options are often on the table: a canoeing trip or a hiking adventure. Both offer unique experiences but also come with their own distinct advantages. In this article, we will explore the differences and benefits of these two outdoor adventures.

Continuous Access to Water

The most obvious difference between a multi-day canoeing trip and a hiking adventure lies in the access to water. While hikers often need to carefully plan where to refill their water supplies, canoeists do not face this concern. With ample space in a canoe, there is no need to worry about having enough to drink. However, it’s still essential to ensure you have sufficient drinking water to stay hydrated and comfortable throughout the journey.

Another difference lies in navigation. Hikers traverse hiking trails or unmarked terrains, while canoeists move along rivers or lakes. Water often provides clearer direction, making navigation easier for canoeists. However, if you find yourself stranded without water in your canoe, it may be time to question whether you’re lost or paddling in the wrong direction.

Joint-Friendly and Accessible to Everyone

Canoeing proves to be more joint-friendly than mountain hiking, making it an ideal option for individuals with mobility challenges or joint issues. The fluid movements involved in paddling put less strain on the joints compared to the constant uphill and downhill walking during mountain hikes. Therefore, canoeing offers an excellent way to enjoy nature without overburdening the joints.

Challenges in Canoeing

However, it’s important to note that canoeing also comes with its challenges. When opting for a canoeing trip, choose a route where you won’t have to carry your canoe. Some routes may involve overcoming obstacles or carrying the canoe over short stretches of land, known as portages. It’s advisable to gather information about the route in advance and ensure it aligns with your skill level and the group’s capabilities.


Whether you choose a multi-day canoeing trip or a hiking adventure depends on your personal preferences and abilities. Both options offer unique experiences in nature and the opportunity to escape from daily routines. Whatever you decide, don’t forget to bring the appropriate gear, plan accordingly, and take necessary precautions for a safe and unforgettable outdoor adventure.

Where Can You Go for a Multi-Day Canoe Trip?

In Germany, there are opportunities to embark on a multi-day canoe trip by renting a canoe and setting off on your journey. One popular destination for such trips is the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Lake District, which offers a beautiful area to explore. However, it’s important to note that this experience may provide a more relaxed and picturesque setting rather than the rugged “Into the Wild” feeling, making it a worthwhile visit for a different kind of adventure.

If you are seeking an authentic “Into the Wild” experience, you may need to venture beyond Germany. Countries like Sweden and Poland offer excellent opportunities for adventurous multi-day canoe tours. Their pristine nature and vast waterways provide an ideal setting for a true wilderness experience.

For the ultimate adventure, consider exploring Canada! This country is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and untouched wilderness. Here, you can embark on epic canoe trips and immerse yourself in the true essence of freedom and adventure.

Regardless of your chosen destination, a multi-day canoe tour is an incredible way to experience nature’s beauty in all its glory and create unforgettable memories. Ensure that you have the necessary equipment, preparation, and any required permits for your chosen region to make your adventure safe and responsible.


Perhaps during your trip to Canada, the thought of embarking on a canoe tour has crossed your mind: “A canoe trip would be amazing!” Or maybe you’re already planning your trip to Canada and have a strong desire to go on a canoe tour, but you don’t want to bring the equipment with you because it’s too heavy for the flight or you simply don’t own it? No worries! We can speak from our own experience, as we found ourselves in a similar situation during our 2018 road trip through Canada. By a stroke of luck, we came across Algonquin Provincial Park and the offerings of Algonquin Bound. Here, we were able to get an all-inclusive package for our adventure. We only had to choose the days we wanted to be on the journey and booked the complete equipment for 2 nights, including the canoe, tent, sleeping bag, cookware, and food!

Our white tent on a campsite surrounded by trees

This was extremely convenient for us, as we didn’t have to bring anything ourselves. For our second tour, we only booked the canoe and delivery to the entry point we chose in the park. Additionally, we had to pay the park fees ourselves.

Packing List

Perhaps you already have some camping gear, or maybe you’re not quite sure what you need for a multi-day canoe tour? In that case, our packing list may help you figure it out.

Georg cook a nice meal

Why You Should Take a Multi-Day Canoe Tour!

A multi-day tour in a provincial park offers many advantages that will excite you for the adventure:

1. Independence and new experiences

During your canoe tour in Canada, you are truly relying on yourself and your equipment. It’s an entirely new experience to get to know yourself far away from civilization and to test your skills in the wilderness. The independence and self-reliance you gain from this are priceless.

2. Digital detox

In most cases, you won’t have internet access during the tour. This means you disconnect completely from social media like Instagram, WhatsApp, and others, allowing you to fully focus on nature and the experience. It’s a welcomed break from the digital world and enables you to fully enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. You can bring a book, but we assure you that there’s plenty to do even without digital distractions.

Georg and Momo realaxing at the sea

3. Proximity to nature

You truly get close to nature only when you venture off the beaten paths. Once you move away from the highway, you’ll experience incredible encounters with the wilderness. The untouched nature will reward you with breathtaking experiences and moments that are simply grandiose.

Our Experiences

Our first visit to Algonquin Park was a memorable experience that inspired us to embark on another similar tour five years later.

Algonquin Park

As the largest provincial park in Ontario, Algonquin Park covers an area of over 7000 km². For comparison, the Saarland state in Germany is only 2500 km². Thus, the provincial park’s area is nearly three times larger. Most parts of the park can only be reached on foot or by canoe, as there are hardly any drivable roads. However, even a small part of the park offers unforgettable beauty and nature experiences. It’s important to note that there is a fee for staying in the park, which varies based on the duration and whether you plan to camp overnight.

Starting the Tour

We were particularly impressed by the numerous ziplock bags containing our food. Everything was meticulously sorted and labeled: “Breakfast Day1,” “Lunch Day1,” “Snack Day 1,” “Dinner Day 1,” and so on. At first, we thought it might be a bit excessive, but we quickly realized that constant movement and outdoor activities require a considerable amount of calories. We applied this knowledge to our subsequent tours.

At the access point, you enter the park, and there are many access points to choose from, depending on your desired route. We always had our canoe transported to the chosen access point by Algonquin Bound, as we had no means to transport it ourselves.

Campsites in the Park

Beyond the access areas, there are no large campsites in Algonquin Park. The campsites are marked with orange signs, and only there can you set up a camp. They provide a fire pit (subject to fire bans during the summer) and an outhouse in the woods. There is no further infrastructure. You must set up and take down your tent, boil or filter water, and carry out all your trash. Fishing and berry picking are allowed, but it’s essential to respect the plants and nature. Cutting down trees or uprooting plants is strictly prohibited. Our goal is to leave nothing behind but footprints.

An Orange sign shows the image of a tent. Typical sign for a campsite.

Packing Tip

During our first canoe trip, we were provided with many individual items by Algonquin Bound. From experience, we can now say that this was cumbersome during portages, and having one large piece of luggage for loading and unloading the canoe would have been more straightforward. On our later trips, we packed everything into our large hiking backpacks, making handling much more convenient. A waterproof bag can be helpful, but you don’t need to put all your items in so-called dry bags.

Encounters with Wildlife

We are guests in nature, and the animals and plants live there. With patience and tranquility, we have experienced some incredible moments of being close to nature. During our first tour, we were lucky to have a moose cow with her calf in our camp on the second evening. It was a wonderful and peaceful experience. Another encounter was with a bear, but it happened so quickly that it was more of a flight than a meeting - the bear was more scared of us than we were of it.

Our Routes

Our first tour lasted three days. From Canoe Lake, we paddled to Tom Thompson Lake via Tepee Lake. The return journey took us from Pathfinder Lake to Potter Creek and back to Canoe Lake, involving two very long portages (0. 8 km and 1. 1 km) and the challenge of Potter Creek barely having water, requiring us to constantly get out of the canoe and remove leeches from our feet. It was a beginner-friendly canoe tour of about 30 km. On our second tour in the eastern part of the park, we chose a route that led us to Barron River and the natural waterslide at High Falls. This time, the route was about 40 km long and included 19 portages, with the longest ones ranging from 600 to 800 meters. Compared to our first tour, which had a longer portage, this route was significantly more demanding.

Canoeing with Dogs

Yes, canoeing with a dog is possible and surprisingly easy. Dogs are allowed in Algonquin Provincial Park, but it’s essential to follow the rules to respect the park and its wildlife. You can always find the rules on the park’s respective website. Our dog Nelly, a wild mix and part hunting dog, was absolutely delighted by the chipmunks and squirrels in the park. The days were very eventful for all of us, and Nelly slept peacefully in the tent at night.

Tips for Food

There’s an option to buy ready-made and packaged meals in many outdoor stores, but they are often expensive. Therefore, we decided to prepare our meals ourselves, which turned out to be surprisingly simple. This allowed us to drastically reduce our expenses. We found a good general guide here: Link. With this information as a guide, we let our imagination run wild and created our own culinary creations.

Our experiences in Algonquin Park were unforgettable, filled with encounters with wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and moments of self-discovery. Each canoe trip taught us the importance of respecting and preserving nature. The call of the wild remains in our hearts as we plan our next adventures, knowing that the beauty and tranquility of nature will forever touch our souls. Embrace the challenges, cherish the moments of solitude, and create lasting memories. Happy trails and may the spirit of the wilderness guide you on your path!

Two bowls in the foreground with pasta in tomato sauce. In the background Georg sets up the tent